Quarterly Message of Hope
Welcome to the first quarterly newsletter of the Messenger of Hope! I’m excited to have you join me on this wild journey we call life. Before we go any farther, I want to point out a few differences between your Monday Morning Hope message and what you will find here:
While I may not get to see many of you, sharing moments through these newsletters brings a smile to my heart, and I hope to yours as well. This first message talks about stumbling and how to avoid it.
A few years back, I attended a prophetic conference. I signed up for a workshop called spoken word, a poetic performance art. After giving a couple of demonstrations, the instructor assigned the following scripture for us to use in developing our own version:
Then Jesus said to them, “All of you will be made to stumble because of Me this night, for it is written: ‘I will strike the Shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered.’” (Matthew 26:31, NKJV)
While pondering the verse, my eyes seemed glued to the word stumble. I decided to use it as my focus and soon had my piece finished. Then conviction flooded my soul.
I want to think I would have been different than the disciples. Knowing what they didn’t, surely, I wouldn’t have stumbled. Surely, I wouldn’t have run away. Surely, I wouldn’t have denied Christ. Yet, here in one word from a verse I had read dozens of times, I stood convicted. The truth, gently illuminated by Holy Spirit, clearly let me know I was, in fact, no different than the disciples.
While waiting my turn to share in front of the other participants, I closed my eyes and asked for forgiveness. And true to His nature and His word, our loving Savior washed away the stain of my sin with His cleansing blood.
Looking at my life, I wonder how I could have sat there, so smug in my self-righteousness. Obviously, we all stumble at some point in our lives. Thankfully, God keeps no records of the times we trip and fall, again and again.
Every day provides opportunities for stumbling, whether our own feet trip us up or our archenemy sticks an obstacle in our path. And if we’re not careful, we can turn stumbling into an art form without taking any responsibility for it.
As far as what caused me to stumble that day? Here’s what I wrote:
Because of Jesus –
All of us?
I don’t think so –
Not me
You think not
of your pride.
You think not
of your self-righteousness.
You think not
of your good works.
I stumbled.
I tripped.
I fell down.
I can’t walk
without You, Jesus.
I can’t walk
unless I walk with You.
If you sense the convicting power of God, take time before the Lord and repent. Receive His forgiveness and forgive yourself. Then make a deliberate choice to walk with Jesus. You won’t be disappointed. He’s the only One who can keep us from stumbling.
Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling,
And to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy,To God our Savior, Who alone is wise,
Be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever. Amen. (Jude 24-25, NKJV)
Two millennia ago, Jude wrote the perfect response in our quest to walk worthy of God’s call on our lives. It doesn’t get any better than that.
*©2014, Penelope Kaye. Used with permission.
Seasonal Sampling
Since we celebrate Independence Day in America this month, how about an independence day walk through the neighborhood? What do I mean by that? As you’re walking, pray for freedom in each house you pass by, for Jesus to be made real, for opportunities to share hope.
Who doesn’t love a contest? Well, here is one for you. Everyone who leaves a comment by midnight July 2nd will have the opportunity to win a $20.00 Amazon gift card. So be sure to pop on and let me know what you think of the newsletter, the article, the poem, or . . .
I experienced one of the biggest thrills of my life last year when my book, Making Crooked Places Straight was published. I never, never thought it would happen. So don’t give up on your dreams, ever.
Unfortunately, I also went through one of the worst times in my life, which almost ended my writing career. However, God remained faithful through it all, and in January of this year, the joy for putting pen to paper returned.
As a result, I’m excited to announce a new print and e-book will be available later this year—Landing Media Interviews without a Publicist: 8 Essential Keys for Authors. As you can tell from the title, this is a how-to manual for authors who want to market their books through radio. It’s a nuts & bolts training with very specific instructions. An invaluable help for writers who need encouragement in this area.
In the meantime, I have my day job, two manuscripts waiting for my return, along with my children’s picture books, the possibility of my own radio program, not to mention hitting my knees in intercession for our nation. Life is full!
As you step into these next few months, remember to celebrate hope, offer hope, be a messenger of hope!
2020 Fall Quarterly
Penelope Kaye
2020 Summer Quarterly
Penelope Kaye
Introduction - Quarterly Message of Hope
Penelope Kaye