The Promise
Promises are made. Promises are broken. More promises are made. More promises are broken. One day, the tipping point arrives, and trust shatters.
A shattered trust leaves spiritual shards that keep cutting, causing more wounds. We want to trust, but we’re afraid we’ll be disappointed. So we don’t and we are. We desperately want to believe in someone, but we’re afraid we’ll be hurt. So we don’t, and we are. As the cycles continue, the shards keep cutting.
We find ourselves with shattered dreams, shattered relationships, and shattered hearts. And inside blood pours from a mass of unhealed cuts. That started with a broken promise.
Where do we go? Where do we turn? How do we get healed? Will the bleeding ever stop? The answer to each question is the same. At the foot of the cross of Jesus Christ.
Here at the cross we connect with God’s promises. His original plan for us began with a promise in a garden, and it continues with a promise from an empty tomb:
I’m your Father, your Dad. I’ll give new life to your dreams. I’ll restore your relationships. I’ll heal your broken hearts. I promise. I’m your Abba Father, and I love you. I’ve already said yes to you. Now I’m waiting to hear your yes.
If you haven’t made Jesus your Savior and God your Father, now is the time. Accept what Jesus did on the cross. Believe He is the Son of God and that God raised Him from the dead. You can do it in the kitchen, in the shower, outside, inside, wherever. He just wants your yes.
If you said yes once and changed your mind, come back. It’s not too late. God wants your yes, too.
If you’ve ever had any doubts, you can end those today. You can trust God. He wants your yes.
God’s promises are sure. He is the absolute best Father. He’s not flaky, and he doesn’t flip-flop. If He says no, it’s because He has a better yes—because His promises are Yes and Amen in Christ Jesus. And that’s a promise that will never be broken. Not ever.
Just say yes.